Embracing Adaptability for Success and Happiness — Insights from “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson

4 min readJan 9, 2023



Change is a constant in life, and learning how to navigate it is crucial for finding success and happiness. In “Who Moved My Cheese?”, Dr. Spencer Johnson delves into the importance of adaptability in the face of change and presents the idea that there are two types of people — those who resist change and those who embrace it. By examining real-world examples of individuals and organizations that have successfully navigated change, we can learn how to embrace adaptability and overcome challenges.

The Constant Nature of Change

One of the key concepts in “Who Moved My Cheese?” is the idea that change is a constant in life and it’s up to us to learn how to manage it. The book uses the metaphor of mice searching for cheese to represent this idea — the cheese represents what we desire in life, while the maze represents the journey we take to get it. The mice in the story represent different approaches to change — some are open to it and adaptable, like Haw, while others resist it, like Hem.

As the story goes, Hem is the eternal optimist who stubbornly refuses to accept that his cheese has moved. He retreats into his shell at the first sign of change, convinced that his cheese will eventually come back. On the other hand, Haw is the adaptable mouse who always seems to find his way to the next chunk of cheese, no matter how many twists and turns the maze takes. He embraces the winds of change and navigates his way to new horizons.

Embracing Change Leads to Success and Happiness

The book suggests that those who are open to change and adaptable, like Haw, are more likely to find success and happiness. They are able to adapt and move on when their cheese is moved, while those who resist change, like Hem, may become stuck and unhappy. Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of being proactive and taking control of our own lives, rather than simply reacting to changes that happen to us.

As Dr. Johnson writes in “Who Moved My Cheese?”, “Change happens. Anticipate it. Get ready for it. Deal with it. Change. The quicker you let go of old cheese, the quicker you can enjoy new cheese.”

Examples of Adaptability

To illustrate these points, the book includes examples of characters who represent different approaches to change. For example, Hem and Haw are two mice who represent the two different types of people when it comes to change — Hem resists change and becomes stuck, while Haw embraces it and is able to find new cheese. The book also includes examples of people who have successfully adapted to change in their personal and professional lives, highlighting the benefits of being open to change and adaptable.

For instance, one of the stories in the book tells the tale of a man who lost his job and struggled to find a new one. Rather than dwelling on his loss, he decided to take control of his own life and start his own business. This proactive approach to change allowed him to turn a negative situation into a positive one and find success on his own terms.

Rise and Fall: The Lessons of Kodak and Netflix

Real-world examples of individuals and organizations that have excelled at navigating change can also provide inspiration and valuable lessons. Netflix is a great example of a company that has consistently adapted to changes in technology and consumer behavior, allowing it to become a major player in the entertainment industry. On the other hand, Kodak is a cautionary tale of a company that failed to adapt to change and eventually filed for bankruptcy.

Netflix has consistently adapted to changes in technology and consumer behavior, allowing it to remain relevant and continue its growth. When the rise of streaming services threatened to disrupt its business model, Netflix pivoted and became a streaming service itself — a stroke of genius that allowed them to stay ahead of the game. On the other hand, Kodak, a once-dominant player in the photography industry, failed to adapt to the rise of digital photography and eventually filed for bankruptcy. This serves as a reminder of the importance of being open to change and willing to adapt in order to stay competitive.

In the words of Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, “The ability to learn faster than your competition is a durable competitive advantage.


In conclusion, “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson is a must-read for anyone looking to navigate change and find success. By examining real-world examples of individuals and organizations that have successfully navigated change, we can learn how to embrace adaptability and overcome challenges. The book encourages readers to consider their own approach to change and consider ways to become more adaptable. By embracing change and being proactive, we can take control of our own lives and achieve our goals.

As Dr. Johnson writes in the closing lines of the book, “Move with the cheese. Enjoy it. Savor it. And when it’s gone, do what Haw did. Find the next great opportunity. One that will lead you to even bigger and better cheese.”




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